We’ve all heard it before; eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water will improve our weight, skin, and energy levels. But do we really understand the power of plant nutrition on an internal level? Let’s face it, we humans tend to be a bit superficial by nature. We’re more concerned with how we look than how we feel or perform. We paint over our imperfections and mask our pain, but rarely address the root cause of these things. Perhaps most absurd is the realization that it’s actually more costly to live this way. That’s why today we are going to dive deeper into the human body to learn what the power of plant nutrition can really do for us. Today, you are one step closer to becoming the superhuman you were always meant to be.
With very few exceptions, we’re all born healthy, happy and beautiful. Everything we need to prosper in life is already inside us and the fuel we feed our fires with directly determines how we experience our time on this earth.
-Nicole Hammond, Wellness Coach

It is an undisputed fact that consuming a diet high in animal products and processed foods is directly linked to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, alzheimer’s, inflammation, IBS, and even mood disorders. The science behind what our diet does to our health has never been as mainstream as it is today. Many medical professionals, who’ve been enlightened in this area, are beginning to include dietary assessments and plant-powered meal plans in their treatments. But not all medical professionals have had this awakening yet. The truth is that most medical professionals are not trained in nutrition as it is not included in most programs.
Modern medicine is focused on masking pain and relieving symptoms. It is unfortunate to say that while medical professionals find purpose in helping people, they are trained to focus in on one issue and treat it with pharmaceuticals, and it is more beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry for you to be a lifetime subscriber of their products. In understanding nutrition, we are better able to address the root of our wellness using simple, natural, sustainable approaches that provide long-term results. It is more cost-effective to maintain a healthy lifestyle than it is to visit medical facilities and renew prescriptions. Proper nutrition also results in a better quality of life. More energy, less ache’s and pains, less sick days, better weight management, beautiful skin, and mental clarity all lead to a more confident you. This should really be a no-brainer!
“Maintaining a healthy mind & body has rippling effects on our quality of life. Not only does it attract people that challenge and inspire us, it dominos into better opportunities in all aspects of our lives, and it ensures that we have the agility and resilience to enjoy these opportunities as we age. “
-Nicole Hammond, Wellness Coach
Yet, despite being introduced to this information, most people choose to continue consuming the very things that are not only taking years off their lives, but reducing the quality of the years that they do have. Why is this? Is it a comfort thing, a fear of change? Maybe, but we believe it’s got a lot to do with convenience. Many people hear the words Vegan or Vegetarian and immediately regurgitate someone else’s opinion on the subject without having experienced it for themselves. “It’s too expensive to eat that way.” “We were meant to eat animals.” “There’s nothing vegans can eat!” and the list goes on.
A plant-based diet is only as healthy as you make it.
For example, Oreo’s are technically considered Vegan. And while both vegetarian and vegan diets do not condone the consumption of animals, neither really mentions processed foods. Check out our general guidelines for nutritional wellness for an overview of how to lead a healthier lifestyle.
There’s plenty of scientific research to show that consuming animal products (meat + dairy) increases blood pressure and cholesterol. There’s even more research showing how processed foods further increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Take a look around you. We are a severely malnourished population riddled with aches and illnesses. Many of us are dependent on pharmaceuticals just to function throughout our day. Now look a little deeper, what similarities do you see in the common diet? Typically, it will be heavily dominated by meats, dairy, and processed foods. This is the standard American diet, and it results in the standard American health picture. Despite living in “the land of opportunity”, we are larger, sicker and more mentally distraught than most other society’s around the world. The common misconception is that we “live like kings” or “eat well”, but the truth is, eating well and eating a lot are two completely different things.
Probably the most difficult part of the health journey, is knowing the power of plants, but feeling too overwhelmed to make the necessary changes. Vegetarianism does not condone the consumption of meat while veganism does not condone the consumption of either meat or dairy (no animal products at all). Again, neither of these diets touch on the consumption of processed foods. Sure, identifying with these lifestyles can be the baby step you need to create a sustainable change in your diet. But it can also be immensely helpful to join groups like ours, where a community of like-minded individuals inspire, enlighten, and motivate each other to stay the course.
Here at Healthy & Wealthy, we like to focus more on what we should eat, instead of what we shouldn’t. Remember, the goal is to flood our bodies with as many fruits and vegetables as we possibly can each day. If 80% of what we consume falls within these lines, the other 20% isn’t going to have as damaging an effect.
TIP- By making these 3 rules a daily goal in your home, you can jumpstart yourself and your family to a healthier, happier lifestyle.
- Drink a glass of water with every meal. Do this before switching to whatever you typically fill your cup with. Yes, do this before your morning cup of coffee.
- Add fruit to your breakfast and dessert recipes.
- Add vegetables to your lunch and dinner meals.
We recommend checking out Eat to Beat Disease by William W. Li for a comprehensive understanding of how foods heal your body from the inside out and what foods you should be eating regularly to maximize your biological potential.
Also, be sure to check out our secret to guaranteeing that we get 30+ high-quality fruits and vegetables every single day no matter what is on our plates!